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Transilvania Leasing

Transilvania Leasing si Credit IFN (www.transilvanialeasingsicredit.ro) este o companie din judetul Brasov, ce desfasoara cu titlu profesional finantari in sistem leasing financiar si activitati de creditare: credite de consum, credite de nevoi nenominalizate, credite pentru investitii, credite de nevoi temporare, destinate segmentelor specifice de clientela: persoane juridice, persoane fizice autorizate si persoane fizice. Compania functioneaza din 1997, oferind clientelei servicii de creditare si servicii conexe si auxiliare legate de realizarea activitatilor de creditare. Compania si-a consolidat sistematic pozitia pe piata prin realizarea unor operatiuni de fuziune prin absorbtie cu Leasing Grup - Bucuresti, in 2004 respectiv cu Grup Bianca Leasing IFN - Brasov, in 2008, si prin extinderea retelei teritoriale prin infiintarea de noi puncte de lucru. Transilvania Leasing si Credit IFN este listata din 2013 pe sistemul multilateral de tranzactionare al Bursei de Valori Bucuresti, in prezent pe piata AeRO, cu simbolul bursier TSLA

Scandium International Mining Corp

Scandium International Mining Corp. (http://www.scandiummining.com/) is an exploration-stage mineral exploration and development company. The Company is primarily focused on the development of scandium mineral resources and scandium end-use markets, through identification of applications for scandium in aluminum alloys and end products. It also focuses on the exploration and project development opportunities in rare earth minerals and other specialty metals, including nickel, cobalt, boron, manganese, tantalum, titanium, zirconium and high-purity alumina (HPA). Its principal project is the Nyngan Scandium project located in New South Wales, Australia, in which the Company owns 100% of the mineral rights. The Company also holds exploration licenses on two separate scandium properties, such as the Honeybugle Scandium property, located approximately 24 kilometers from the Nyngan Scandium project and the Kiviniemi Scandium property in central Finland.

Piedmont Lithium Inc.

Piedmont Lithium Inc. (https://piedmontlithium.com/) , an exploration stage company, engages in the exploration and development of resource projects in the United States. The company primarily holds a 100% interest in the Carolina Lithium Project that include an area of approximately 3,116 acres located within the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt situated to the west of Charlotte, North Carolina in the United States. It also owns a 61-acre property in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Piedmont Lithium Inc. is headquartered in Belmont, North Carolina.

Louyanx is holding share in the company's on this webside !

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